Tuesday, September 4, 2007

"It hasn't hit me yet"

Did he really say that??? He sure did! Somehow, through all of my nights of being sick, all of the changes I have undergone, and even seeing our baby in motion my crazy husband actually said that it still hasn't hit him yet! This doesn't make me mad at all. In fact I couldn't help but burst out in laughter at his comment. It just goes to show that what everyone says really is right. Women feel the pregnancy much faster than men do. I have been sick for what feels like years and nothing in my closet fits me anymore. In fact I actually went clothes shopping this weekend and bought lots of maternity clothes because I was realizing that my "normal" clothes either bunch or gape or just plain stretch in ways they weren't designed to! I feel so much better now that I have pants made with elastic waist bands and shirts that I could fit a beach ball under. No more pre-pregnancy stomach scrunching jeans for me! I have moved on to bigger (not sure about better) things! :)

I am thinking that this little guy in my stomach might actually not be a guy at all. I have noticed that I am not getting a ball in front like some women but I feel like I am just spreading like those mirrors you stand in front of on Navy Pier where you are short and ball-like. Ok, ok I am exaggerating but still I am feeling like if these old wives' tales are true I will have a little girlie girl popping out of me in about 6 months!

I can't believe how fast the time is going. It seems like I just found out yesterday and in reality I have known for about 2 months now! Crazy! And still 2 months later it still hasn't hit Troy yet! Hahaha it just makes me laugh every time I think of him saying that.

Please feel free to leave me messages or questions or even stories of your own in the comments. It's easy and fun and makes the blog even more fun for me! If you have any good blog topics let me know. I'm not sure if this is totally boring to read or not so if it isn't, then enjoy! And if it is, give me some good ideas :)