Monday, April 21, 2008

She's still here

It's weird. It's like "this was fun, see you next time" and she's supposed to go home. But she IS home. We are her home! It's so crazy because you just feel like you can't be old enough and mature enough (well, that's questionable) to be raising your own kid and there she is every morning when you wake up. She doesn't ever leave. It's finally sunk in that she is ours and she's not going anywhere! I can't believe how big Aubrey is growing too. I feel like she is a totally different baby then the one that was born 4 weeks ago. She is already growing out of some of her outfits which is crazy because when we first brought her home she couldn't even fit into anything so much so that the grandparents had to go out and buy her stuff! She is sleeping pretty well at night (with exception to last night which was a disaster - we'll just skip talking about that) eating about every 3 hours and actually sleeping in between. She still grunts all night long but I have learned to tune that out mostly. She has gone out for her first girls lunch, been shopping many times with me and we have even gone on walks outside now that it's getting nice! I am not feeling cooped up anymore which is nice and I think it's good for her to get used to being out since in a few weeks she will be out a lot when I return to work. I have decided to take a longer maternity leave and will not be heading back until sometime in June. Life with this little baby is crazy but who can resist a face like that?