So... yesterday was supposed to be the big day when we found out if it would be a little K or a little T coming into this world soon (but not soon enough!) After an hour or so doing an ultrasound we found out that our little baby does have all of the necessary parts, however, we don't know for sure if it has that "extra" part or not. The technician said that it looks like a girl to her but that she could be wrong... how reassuring!!! So, don't go out and buy out all of the pink stuff you can get your hands on just yet! We are going in for another ultrasound on a week from Friday because the little stinker wasn't cooperating for another part of it either... I'm guessing that it MUST be a little T! Haha... It was fun anyway and I am getting REALLY excited right about now. I can feel the baby move a TON and it was so reassuring to see all of the movement even during the ultrasound. I can feel him/her bouncing around all the time now. I can't wait till Troy can feel it too.
Another big thing that has been going on is that we finally moved into our new apartment. Last weekend we got all of our furniture and boxes over to the new place and then the fun began of opening them all up and finding places for everything to go. Why does it seem like half of the boxes are full of the "misc" stuff that really has no home of its own? So frustrating! I am just ready to get completely into the new place and have all of our stuff up. Hopefully by the end of next week!
I hope everyone is doing well! Sorry I've been MIA for the last couple of weeks... it's been crazy with all of the moving and such. I will try to keep this more updated from now on and I promise I will put up some of the ultrasound pictures as soon as our computer set-ups are all put together back home! Until them, it could be a girl.... :)