Thursday, September 13, 2007

12 Weeks!

Well today makes 12 weeks for me and the ol' baby in my belly! According to my baby website that keeps me up to date with my progress the baby is 2 inches long (about the size of a lemon). I don't completely understand the whole lemon thing (is it round like that too?) but nonetheless I guess it gives me some sense of the size. I am still not showing but am feeling like I am getting thicker and thicker around the waist every day. I am wearing mostly all maternity clothes now because nothing is comfortable and even though the maternity clothes are way too big I am just rolling down the panel and the rest fit just fine. It gives me that extra room that I need to make up for my "baby bloat" as I am calling it. Not quite as cute as a baby bump... :( The side-view picture of me was taken tonight to show you all exactly what I am talking about. I realize it is not the most flattering picture of me but I still thought you might enjoy seeing it. I will continue to update every few weeks or month to show you all my growing belly. Maybe one of these days it will finally be cute!

I also put in a few pictures of Troy and our cat Rizzo in case you haven't gotten to meet either of them. They were both taken tonight so everything on here is up to date. I promise to get some more pictures up soon. I have just been a little under the weather lately still and taking pictures is pretty much the last thing I think to do at night!

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