Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm Getting Impatient!

The title says it all - I am getting impatient! I am ready for this baby to make her way into the world and stop all the waiting. I guess she's got to "cook" a little longer but I am getting more and more tired by the day. Last Friday I went to the doctor and was disappointed to hear that I have not made any new progress and the baby is still very high. I keep reminding myself that these things can literally change in a day and that she might come to us tonight or tomorrow but it is still very frustrating and stressful. I can't believe how difficult of a time both Troy and I are having with this constant waiting and wondering if today is the day. I have been working a little less which helps but I am still so physically exhausted by the end of the day it is a struggle to make it up the stairs to come home (granted it is 2 large flights of stairs, so I guess I will give myself a break on that one!) Only a couple of weeks left if I go over and less if I go on time so that's a positive thing. I guess I just need to keep waiting and remembering what all this craziness is for!


Blessed Mommy said...

i mean you've waited 38 wks, what's one or two more, right?? ha, ha, you can type that to me on my blog when i'm complaining that i can't even bend down to pick up one of my girls anymore (and that might be before I even hit that 38 wk mark :D lol! Hope she gets here soon!!!

elj377 said...

Good luck with the last few days! I remember feeling like I couldn't take it anymore and then like a day later I would go into labor. Both mine came early so I don't exactly know what it is like to make it to your due date but I do remember feeling like I would pop! Hang in there and just enjoy the last few days of everyone fussing over you instead of some little person fussing at you!

Traci said...

Hang in there! I know it must be hard - being both excited and tired. You could always scrapbook to fill up your time. hehe. Just kidding. Can't wait until the little one arrives!