Monday, March 24, 2008

Contractions Here We Come!

It is Monday 3/24 at 3:55 pm and I have been having contractions since last night. They are not very strong yet (if this is as mild as my Dr. said they were I am getting a little nervous!) but they are about 8 minutes apart. I am 2 cm dialated and 80% effaced so that's good news. Troy and I just finished up some last minute things around the house that we've needed to do to get ready and we are going to leave in a minute and walk around the mall to try to get this show on the road. If it doesn't happen naturally tonight then my Dr. has scheduled to induce me tomorrow morning at 8:00am. Please pray that this will happen on it's own as much as possible as I am a bit nervous about being induced. Either way, we will have a baby in no time! Yay!

1 comment:

Blessed Mommy said...

YAY!! Congrats and we will be praying!!