Thursday, March 20, 2008

It's my due date!

And still now baby... March 20th came and is quickly passing me by without a baby. I am not having as hard of a time with it as I thought I would because I went to the doctor last night and found out that the baby has completely dropped and is in the zero position which means that the next step is - out! Unfortunately I was only dialated to 1 still so he offered to schedule to induce me next Tuesday but I really felt like I should wait it out a little bit more and see if this baby will come out on her own. I did decide to do a little to help out though and went walking after work for almost 1 1/2 miles (which before would have been nothing but when you are 40 weeks pregnant it is quite an accomplishment trust me!) I am hoping that this will help get the baby moving around and some more dialating starting.

I am officially on my maternity leave now, which is fun but also kind of scary to me. I am just afraid that if the baby doesn't make her way out in the next week I will have wasted a week where I could have been making money and saving up off time for when the baby is actually here. Hopefully that won't be the case and she will come out this weekend! I think my bosses think I am crazy because when I told them that I on Monday I have a 2 hr doctor's appointment and they are planning on probably inducing me on Wednesday if she doesn't come out on her own before then I explained that "I probably couldn't come in on Monday because I will be busy at my appointment during the time I would work and I couldn't come in on Wednesday because they will be inducing me, but I could probably come and cover some breaks on Tuesday" her response was "I think if you are being induced on Wednesday you should probably use Tuesday to prepare..." Haha I guess I just feel like I can't stop working for some reason. It's just in my nature to keep going! I can't decide if I should slow down or speed up to get this baby out. On one hand people say to rest and "put your feet up" all the time to me but on the other hand walking is supposed to get things going. I guess I haven't mastered walking with my feet up yet. Maybe next time...

Today was a beautiful day in Chicago with the temp reaching about 50 degrees but tonight and tomorrow we have a winter storm warning and they are calling for 6 inches of snow! Not a very nice welcome to Spring if you ask me. I am hoping they are wrong because I really don't want to be driving to the hospital in the middle of a snow storm. Then again, it could be another week anyway.

Please pray for me because I am getting very uncomfortable all of a sudden in the last couple of days and am getting very anxious to get this baby out of her and regain some of my own personal being again. On the bright side, it looks like I'll have a baby within the week!!!


elj377 said...

I'm with the camp that says "kick back, put your feet up!" Once you go into labor then walk, walk, walk, it really does help keep your mind off the pain! Good luck to you and hopefully your baby will come before the yucky weather!

Blessed Mommy said...

you're doing so great waiting!! she'll be here so soon!!!

E and K said...

So!?! Any news?!?